Back to School!

IMG_0459 Back to School

It’s “back to school” time here in Haiti! However, although our own three schools are now officially open, the students are returning at a snail’s pace. Our school in Sainte-Philomène boasted of 9 students this morning, even though it has an enrollment of over 100. Why? Because, on the average, Haitian families have to dig deep for anything beyond what constitutes their “daily bread.” Unfortunately, at times, even the daily bread isn’t daily. Tuition, uniforms and books put more than a pinch on their pocketbooks. A common prayer offered up during this time of the year is, “Lord, please help us send our kid(s) to school.” All over Haiti, schools have opened a month late due to the hardships that families bear.


A few of our faculty.

Haitians put a great value on education. Our students love school. They know it’s a privilege to sit in a classroom when so many others miss out. From day one, their parents drill into their heads the privilege of learning. It’s not unlikely that, next semester, the money may not be available for them. I’m guessing by this photo that some of the children’s uniforms are not ready. Normally, they don’t come to school without their uniforms on.

Feeding Program

Rehoboth Ministries strives to lighten the load of these parents who love their children as much as we do. As many of you know, we have been providing two hot meals every week for the last two years in all three of our schools. With the help of generous supporters, we have been able to put a smile on a child’s face and subdue the gnawing hunger in their bellies, even if only temporarily. Our students come to school with high hopes they’ll find a hot meal waiting for them. Parents share that hope, knowing that, a meal at school removes a burden from off those at home.

We are still raising funds for this project that is so dear to our hearts. Would you like to help? Roughly $40 feeds a child two meals a week for the entire school year. We will have distributed approximately 93,600 meals this year alone for over 1,300 students, staff, and workers!

I (Dana) received this beautiful note from a friend in North Carolina that has pledged to help. I was so touched that I wanted you to read it too.

Tina says:

God gave me a job this past Thursday and just laid it in my lap. I did not even have an appointment for a job interview! I am working, so I need a way to get some money to you every month for the school feeding program.

Would you like to join Tina in helping to lighten our load? We can’t do this alone, but we can do it together!

Forward Movement

DownloadedFileMoving Ahead

It’s a busy time in the Kingdom of God! Since our return from the States, we’ve shifted gears to adapt ourselves once again to Haitian life. It seems every day has its own busyness and there’s a steady stream of people entering or leaving our house for one reason or another. Our Bible institute has been back in full swing since August. John is finding his niche and loves his classes. When he’s not in class, he can be found in the study room with his head buried in a book. Both he and Prit are busily involved with their classes and the task of molding future leaders.

September seems to have been construction month. Our new depot is almost completed and we finally have somewhere to put our belongings … well, most of them. Our house has been running over with everything from boxes to books. What a relief to have somewhere to put the ironing board other than on our front porch!

Back to School

October is just around the corner and will bring its own joys and frustrations. The Haitian schools will start back up and many people are already showing up at our door asking for help with their children’s tuition costs. Our feeding program for over 1,300 students, staff, and cooks will recommence as well and some wide-eyed kids will be looking for a decent meal to carry them through the day. We still have a long way to go. Will you please pray with us that this goal will be met? We know that all things are possible with the Lord’s help. (Click on the Projects tab at the top of this page.) Thanks to all of you who have been giving faithfully. Heaven bears witness to your generosity.

Trinity Church Work Team

On October 25, we’ll be hosting a work team from Trinity Church in Tacoma, Washington, for 10 days. The team be laying the tile for our future conference room as well as other various projects. We are very excited that they are coming. For some of them, this will be their first mission trip. For others, this will be a real sacrifice budget-wise. Yet, they have felt very stirred to come and we will be very grateful for their help, not to mention their fellowship. Our construction has continued from our depot to the little mission house next door where our team will be staying. There is much work that needs to be accomplished before they touch ground exactly a month from today. We are working furiously to get the house in a livable state, i.e., putting in electricity, replacing the old dilapidated ceiling, adding three new doors and renovating the back porch. Again, we ask your prayers for us as we tackle these tasks.

MFI East Coast Conference

Before the team flies in from Tacoma, we will have already returned to the States for our annual MFI Conference. This time, however, we’ll be traveling to Reston, Virginia, instead of Portland, Oregon. MFI is now hosting two separate conferences on both the East and West coasts. This will be much more cost-effective for us to not have to fly across the country. Our only regret was that we would not be able to see our son, Gabriel, in Portland this year. But our disappointment has turned to joy after learning that Gabriel will be traveling with the worship team from City Bible Church in Portland. What a treat to be able to see our son again for a whole week!

We’ll arrive back in Haiti just a few days before the work team arrives.

Thank You

No forward movement would be made in this part of the Lord’s vineyard without the generous support of our wonderful supporters. Thank you again for enabling us to be God’s messengers in a land that has been full of darkness for centuries, but upon which a great light is beginning to shine forth. This is definitely not the same Haiti that we came to thirty years ago.

Change the World

world-missions-background“Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life? Or do you want to come with me and change the world?”

What a question! Steve Jobs, CEO and owner of Apple Computer put this question bluntly to John Sculley, at the time the President of the Pepsi company. Never one for mincing words, Jobs got right to the point. His question was brilliant and got to the heart of the matter–either represent something superficial or be part of something that’s not only great, but will leave a legacy. Jobs’ point was well taken and Sculley came aboard with Apple, making his job with Pepsi a thing of the past.

Apple has gone on to become the avant-garde company of the computer world. Who today hasn’t heard of the iPhone, iPad, or iPod? Apple products are considered by many to be the best information technology products in the world. I’m in that crowd. I’m typing this post on my Mac. Even though Steve Jobs has now departed this earth, I still admire his high standard of excellence in everything he did. I’m not sure if he had any peer who was his equal.

I also love this story for a different reason, however. Jobs’ statement went to the core of what he believed in. He wanted to leave his mark on this world. However, there is a much higher purpose to life than being remembered as a world changer in the computer arena, or any other for that matter. Have you considered God’s purpose? What is it that moves the very heart of God? What is the very pulse and heartthrob of the Gospel? It is found in the Gospel of Mark.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Jesus’ last instructions before his ascension were to invade the world with the Gospel message. His eyes are on the harvest of souls to be brought in so that every tongue and tribe will worship before his throne. He eagerly waits for there to be a witness of the Kingdom message in all the earth in order for him to return.

What drives you? Are you aligned with God’s purpose for world missions? Does your passion lie where His does? If so, come help us change the world for Christ!

Enon Chapel: Old in Years, Young at Heart


In just 10 days, Enon Chapel (Jacksonville, North Carolina) will turn 141 years old! Yet, in spite of being along in years, it is nowhere near slowing down. Prit and I had the privilege of sharing with the Enon folks a couple of Sundays ago about the work in Haiti and were very warmly received. My first description of Enon would be that of joy. Sunday morning worship is lively and there’s a rejoicing that takes place every time this tight knit community comes together. Even though the congregation must have had at least 200 people present when we were there, a family atmosphere still prevailed. Enon church members love the Lord, their pastors, and their church. They are excited about the Lord’s work and are as strong as ever.

Pastor James and Becky Kelley have been at the helm of Enon since June 3, 1986, and are doing a phenomenal job of keeping the church balanced and running on all cylinders. Enon is busy serving the community in multiple ways. Whether visiting nursing homes, assisting local agencies by providing food and doing home repair, or rummaging up school supplies for the local schools, Enon is buzzing with activity. In addition to their own ministries, they help support other outreaches such as the Onslow Pregnancy Center, Second Chance and Kairos Prison Ministry. They are striving to touch every facet of life with vital contact.

As if they didn’t have their hands full, Enon Chapel serves as a bulwark to the families of Marines that leave home to protect our country. Jacksonville is home to the Marine Corp Base at Camp Lejeune. It is the world’s largest amphibious training base as well as home to the 2nd Marine Division. There are approximately 150,000 Marines and Civilian workers that work on Camp Lejeune. Pastor Kelly and the church family gather around the precious families of the men serving abroad and provide them with moral strength as they wait for their loved ones to return home safely.

Fortunately, for us and other missionaries serving on the foreign field, Enon looks beyond the world just outside their door. They are presently supporting several missionaries who are laboring to advance God’s Kingdom in the earth. We are so thankful Enon Chapel is partnering with Rehoboth Ministries to fulfill the Great Commission in Haiti.

I encourage you to visit Enon’s website. You will see that the dust doesn’t have time to gather on this church’s pews. Also, it’s the only way you can discover the strange connection between Enon Chapel and pink flamingos. 🙂

Good to the Last Bite!

1004624_371519009637864_191970091_nIt’s that time again, folks! School will be open again before we know it and we hope to be able to provide many hot meals for our students when they come. We are asking everyone who is able to join in and help us raise the needed funds for our children’s feeding program. Just $40 will feed a child two hot meals per week for an entire school year. It can’t get any easier than that.

One pastor told us “As long as you have a feeding program, our church will help support it.” Check out the update concerning Jennifer Steimel who will donate half her proceeds from selling jewelry to help us feed hungry kids. All we need are some ladies that will host a jewelry party. (see link: For Ladies Only!) Jennifer wrote me recently to say, “I’m ready to feed some kids!” Perhaps you know of a restaurant, school or another organization that would be willing to have a drive or a fundraiser to help us meet our goal?

This is my absolute, all-time favorite picture of our kids during mealtime. Even though the picture’s a little fuzzy, it still speaks a thousand words. The little girl with the braided hair looks like one of the characters from The Little Rascals. (Now, I’m revealing my age). Justin, Pastor Lefort’s son, (to her right) always knows how to look right into the camera. He is as adorable as he looks. The little boy beside him is too busy enjoying his meal to even care. Priceless!

We have a long way to go. Can you help?

Goal: $53,000
Amount Raised: $6,555.95
Cost per month: $5,300
Feeds: 1,300 students, teachers, cooks and workers, twice a week

Winding Down

Prayers for John
downloadPrit and I have had a great summer. August is already here and we are beginning to wind down and set our sights toward returning to Haiti around the end of the month. As we’ve shared, this year will be a milestone. Our son, John, will be returning with us. We believe John’s presence is going to be a tremendous encouragement and strength to us in more ways than we can count. It will be a time of refreshing for us just to have our son on the mission field with us, but it will be much more than that. John will be able to add another perspective plus foresight and innovative ideas of his own. His knowledge of technology is greater than ours, so we already have plans for him to help us in this area. The Bible school teachers are eagerly looking forward to having him help them carry part of their workload.
Just the mention of John returning to Haiti was like a breath of life to our church members. They are overjoyed to know that he is returning to the land of his birth. We ask your prayers for John as he gets ready to make this leap of faith. It’s going to be a very busy year for him. He has almost raised all of his support and this is one confirmation to him that he is on the right track.
We ask your prayers for …
  • his health: protection from overwork and sickness
  • his course load: fluency in Haitian Creole and French, rapport with the students, insight into the courses he’ll teach and an anointing to make them relevant to the students
  • a vehicle (he can use our Trooper, but there will be times our schedules will conflict)
  • him to be a catalyst for our youth
  • a flexibility and wisdom in all his affairs
  • anything else that comes to your minds!
Don’t forget to check out his website to learn more about John’s plans.
There’s still time!
clock2So far, we have one Sunday scheduled this month for ministry. (Aug. 18) There’s still time if you’d like for us to come and share with your church, Bible study group, or men and women’s group.  We never tire of telling all the wonderful things the Lord has done, and continues to do, through Rehoboth Ministries. Whether it’s a Sunday morning or during the week, we would love to come and share with you.
Contact us:
(910) 495-6921
(910) 703-3098

Fè Disip!

Pastor Lefort and his helpers in the church have been busy! He’s been rounding up as many kids as he can from the neighborhood in Sainte-Philomène for Bible study, activities, singing and games. Some of these kids are already in the church, but he has worked hard to draw others that are outside in to hear the Gospel story. That’s the work of making disciples! (fè disip).

Sometimes the kids receive a little treat or some kind of toy if they’re available. Keep up the good work, Pastor Lefort!

Thanks to Our Anonymous Giver!


Many, many thanks to the anonymous giver who donated $1,000 to our church construction program! As he related to us, he is sowing a seed into our construction fund because he has buildings of his own that need to be constructed for his own  business. We are trusting the Lord to honor his generosity towards Rehoboth Ministries.
Our present balance is now $24,066.11. Our projection goal is $150,000. We’re on our way to $25,000 and seeing the fulfillment of our long-awaited building!

Weekend in Morehead City, Bible School Fundraiser, Correction

Impact Church

579375_222863001158969_348178568_nA special thanks goes to Pastor Nelson and Vicky Hopkins for a wonderful service at Impact Church Sunday in Morehead City, NC. Nelson and Vicky are special friends that go way back. They’ve both faced great struggles of their own that included bouts with cancer and they have a deep faith walk because of it. If you’re ever in the area, drop by and visit. Don’t forget to ask Pastor Nelson to tell you his “monkey story.”

Covenant of Grace Bible Institute 


Would you like to help provide a scholarship for one of our Bible school students? It only costs $1800 Haitian for the entire year ($600H for each semester) $1800H = $225 US.  $600H = $75 US. Only $75 for one semester. Would you pray about whether the Lord would like for you to be involved in the training of a leader?


The logo that was used in the last post (“Gateway Christian Center“) was actually for Gateway Christian Center in Winterville, North Carolina. This is another church entirely.

Gateway Christian Center

GCC-Logo-concept-No-Background-21Last Sunday, Prit and I had a great time at Gateway Christian Center in Middlesex, North Carolina. Pastor Gerald Wiggs and his wife, Geraline, are some of our most trusted and respected friends in the Gospel. Our friendship extends back over a span of 24 years. During some of our darkest days, we have picked up the phone and called these two prayer warriors and urged them to intercede for us. Their faith to believe for miracles is in a realm of its own and they have seen quite a few miracles in their own lives. We are so grateful for their support and prayers.

Gateway Christian Center now has a Spanish interpreter. They have been reaching out to the Hispanic population in their area. Around one-third of Pastor Gerald’s congregation has come from outside the United States. The mission field has always been a top priority for the Wiggs. They have supported our work in Haiti for years and have a work they started in the Dominican Republic. It’s no surprise to us that the world is now coming to their door.
Thank you, Gateway Christian Center, for your faithful and generous support of Rehoboth Ministries. We look forward to having Pastor Gerald come visit us in October 2013!