Prayer Chapel

If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” Martin Luther King

Our Prayer Chapel is slowly, but surely coming along. What looks like a simple and rudimentary building will be the war room where our Haitian disciples will go to battle for their country and all the needy places of the world. Everything major that has ever taken place with Rehoboth Ministries has come through great wrestling in prayer. From a kidnapping to dire sicknesses which seemed incurable and so many other barriers, our people have had a lot of practice! Now, they want to make major inroads into the problems of their own country and prevent the gang-infested south from reaching the north of Haiti. They know where the battle will be won. This room will be accessible 24/7 and the need for it was birthed in the heart of our leaders. Will you help us help them? We still have a long way to go!

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lords Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana Adams

A Bold Step

Imagine living in a country where the average income is $2.00 a day, jobs are almost impossible to find, and the price of food, gas, and other essentials continue to increase. Now imagine no incentives from the government to help families or to provide help in training someone for a skill.

Yet…the leaders in our main church made a bold step of faith. They felt a huge burden for the children who attend the main school. Many of these students are their own kids. They were desperate to do something – anything, to create a future for them. They wondered what kind of legacy they could possibly leave behind because they, themselves, had so little of this world’s goods.

These leaders who are skilled in plumbery, laying tile, working with electricity, and doing woodwork began to take what they had and impart it to these students. Like Jesus’ disciples, the disciples simply obeyed His command. They began to distribute the loaves and the fishes to the people who had gathered to hear Jesus preach. As Jesus asked the Father to do the work of multiplication that day, this is what our leaders in Haiti are doing. 

Learning a floor plan

Releasing their faith, they are asking the Lord to do what they cannot!

Would you like to be part of the answer our leaders are hoping for? Would you like to make a student’s dream come true and participate in a miracle? They have no trade school and there is no money set aside to pay those who are investing their time. Our starting goal is $1,000.

Learning to build a wall

Nowhere To Hide

The horror continues with gang warfare in the south of Haiti. This is a horrific testimony of a man whose family was traumatized by having no way of escape. Please pray for Haiti.

”I was under the bed and I could hear the men and they were raping my wife. They were raping her and I was under the bed and I could say nothing.”

21 Days of Prayer

Due to the multitude of problems facing Haiti, which are driving many to despair, the believers in our churches have committed themselves to 21 Days of Prayer. The situation there has become so desperate that the World Food Program is warning that if the present blockade continues, Haiti will have a full-fledged famine. The rise of gangs in Haiti has proven to be a menace that no one can control, even on the national level. 

In September, the largest gang in Haiti blockaded the main port in Port-au-Prince, refusing to allow fuel shipments to pass through — unless the prime minister resigns. The prime minister, himself, is suspected to have had a part in President Jovenel Moïse’s assassination. These gangs began under the presidency of Jean Bertrand Aristide and have been fueled by political leaders in the Haitian government. Rival gangs have fought for control of the nation’s capital. Port-au-Prince has been dubbed the ”kidnapping capital of the world.” 

Our schools and Bible institute in Cap Haitian remain closed since the beginning of September due to the strife caused within their borders. God graciously made a way for us to pay the teachers in the main school who were hungry, but were prevented from teaching because of the present situation. The children, (many of them who survived on the one meal a day received in school), have not been able to participate in our feeding program for several weeks now. 

We are faced with a huge dilemma of knowing how to help so many who are in need. Many of those who did have work have not been able to circulate and are going hungry.

Please pray for our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ as they have set aside a solemn time for 21 days to implore the Lord’s mercies on behalf of their nation.They have already started to pray since last week. 


Since the writing of this blog post, the Haitian police have taken over the fuel terminal  mentioned in the above article. Below is the link. I would love to think there’s a connection between the 21 days of prayer and this victory.

”If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7: 14

Also, if you would like to give to alleviate the great needs represented there, the information is below. Be sure to make your check to The Lord’s Table and earmark your check ”Haiti.” You can also give online. Thank you for your prayers and for opening your hearts to this ministry.

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lords Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana ADAMS

702 Cattail Court

Jacksonville, NC  28540

Haiti In Crisis

This blog post has been a long time coming. Having gone through  a bout with cancer which resulted in surgery and multiple treatments, I, (Dana) had to make an important choice. Still having many administrative responsibilities for Rehoboth Ministries, I chose to let this item go until I could regain my strength. Thanks to everyone for your many prayers!

Where to begin? Haiti has been in crisis-mode for some time now with the escalation and domination of gangs who are mainly concentrated in the southern part of the country near Port-au-Prince, the capital. These gangs are so powerful that they control the prices of goods from gas to food. They have blocked entire neighborhoods keeping their citizens from traveling the main arteries. The need to go to work, buy food, seek medical help, and the regular activities daily life requires has become their cross to bear. 

In the north where our ministry is located, things were relatively quiet for a season. We have dealt with the difficulty of getting certain items from the Port-au-Prince area (such as batteries for our generator), but now, the north is greatly troubled as well. The ever-increasing exchange rate (presently 23.4) transates to $1 US being equal to $23.40 Haitian dollars. Due to heavy rioting against this absurdity, our elementary schools and Bible institute have been closed down for over five weeks. Students are not able to eat the one meal that sustained them for the day because classes are not operating and it is too dangerous for them to come to  school.

We ask for your prayers and for considering to partner with Rehoboth Ministries. The contact information is below if you have questions. In addition, here are some links to articles concerning the state of things in this country we have labored in for almost forty years. If you will give to alleviate the suffering, we guarantee that 100% of your gift will go to help those in need and it is tax-deductible.

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lords Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana ADAMS

702 Cattail Court

Jacksonville, NC  28540

A Year Ago Today

The message below came up in my Facebook feed today of exactly one year ago. It encouraged me SO much since I was reminded of the exhaustion I felt post-surgery and the drains (that were pulling the excess fluid from my body), which had not yet been removed. I remember the pain. I remember the exhaustion. I remember wondering if I would ever feel normal again and fighting tremendous discouragement. To every recovering cancer patient… It does get better! Just hang in there! This is an updated picture from today. (I never like selfies, but had to celebrate the journey. 🙂

I’m learning to delight in the smallest of victories. Cleaning our bathroom counter & the mirror were two of them this morning. (Talk about messy! But, then life is messy!) It’s amazing what can give you so much satisfaction when you didn’t have the energy to do it before! No more emptying of drains & recording their measurements morning & night. Who could have thought that wiping down a counter, cleaning sinks, & having a spotless mirror could bring such exhilaration?

We Must Pray!

Wilson Joseph: Leader of the 400 Mawozo Gang

I have just spent the last hour facetiming with John as he walked me through the steps of getting back into the Rehoboth website. I have made many futile attempts to get back into the site in order to update you on what is going on in Haiti. He has been very patient with me. What comes naturally for this generation often leaves me reduced to a puddle of tears and a strong desire to pull my hair out! However, since it just took several months for my hair to grow back in, I have resisted the urge!

Most of you know that 2 of the 17 hostages that were abducted by the 400 Mawozo Gang have been released. We are all curious to hear their stories, but they have probably been told to keep quiet so as not to put the rest of the group in jeopardy. I understand their terror, yet Prit’s captivity only lasted for 3 days. Please continue to pray for their release. We have no idea what kind of treatment they have received, especially with women and children involved.

Now, here’s the hard part. Pray for the gang members. Prayer is the only weapon which can, not only set the captives free, but change the hearts of those who captured them. I am praying specifically for Wilson Joseph. I was surprised when I saw his picture. He’s younger than John and has already committed himself to a life of crime and abuse. Unless he changes his course, I feel he will not be long for this world. He will step into eternity and meet his Maker.

After the gang members snatched Prit out of our vehicle, I was left alone with the gang leader. As we drove away, I grasped at any piece of information that might reveal there was still a human being with feelings under that tough exterior. I asked if he had any children. He told me that he had a daughter. I asked what her name was and he told me. I was so frightened that I have long forgotten it.Then, I asked him how he thought his daughter would feel if she knew her father was a kidnapper. Even in the dark, I could sense that question had found its mark. Although he didn’t answer, it was evident that I had hit a nerve.

It’s ironic that this picture shows Joseph posing with a huge crucifix around his neck, yet he’s dressed as Lanmò San Jou or Death Without Days. He and his gang have abducted Catholic priests, nuns, pastors, and missionaries – the very ones who have come to help his country. Maybe they will be the very ones to demonstrate the love and power of God before Joseph’s final call comes.

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lord’s Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana ADAMS

702 Cattail Court

Jacksonville, NC  28540

It's Always the Season for Giving!

Folks here are beginning to talk about setting up their Christmas trees and decorating for the season. I truly love this time of year and am usually at the forefront of decking the tree early. But, all I can seem to think of lately is the moment when my husband and son will walk through our front door. I will breathe easier knowing they are stateside and I long to have them near. Then….it will be Christmas for me.

Haiti might as well be on another planet. Gas shortages, gang activity, and the closing of our schools and Bible institute are at the forefront of the minds of those living there. In addition to this is a 3-day fast taking place on the part of missionaries already on the ground for the release of the 17 kidnapped men, women, and children being held hostage by the 400 Mawozo gang. Can you imagine what Christmas will be like for these hostages provided they return home safely? Then, there are the hospitals which have run out of fuel while its workers have no other choice but to send the sick home to die. This is exactly what is taking place as the fuel crisis complicates the humanitarian attempts to help those who can’t help themselves. Don’t forget, that for many folks in the post-earthquake area, daily life is still in upheaval.

Our son, John, and Gary (who works for Rehoboth), made a video yesterday. While, for some reason, I have not been able to upload the video onto this website, I have posted it on my Facebook page. You can also click on this link to watch. They give a firsthand account of life on the mission field.

Would you join us in prayer for the release of the hostages? Would you also pray for the missionaries and Haitian people on the ground who are in very dangerous circumstances and dealing with outrageous prices which affect their own survival? Due to the port crisis that we have stateside, our feeding boxes have never arrived to Cap-Haitian and all food is having to be purchased in the outdoor market at mind-boggling prices. Christmas is the last thing on the minds of those who are in survival mode.

While you are praying, would you also consider becoming a regular donor to Rehoboth Ministries so that you can help us help them? I’ll be more in spirit for Christmas when my loved ones are home. But giving is always in season!

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lord’s Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana ADAMS

702 Cattail Court

Jacksonville, NC  28540

Take Me

Today marks 11 years since my husband and I were kidnapped by a gang in Haiti. Of all places, it was after our Sunday night church service in the church yard. After our jeep was commandeered by the gang’s leader, we were taken for a wild ride way outside of Cap-Haitian. Finally, coming upon a deserted spot in the woods and far away from town, the gang argued about who to take and who to keep. My husband said, “Take me” and they did. Long story short, this had a good ending. I reluctantly became a hostage negotiator and after paying a ransom, my husband was returned to me. I am so thankful for the Lord’s grace and care for us.

I’ve shared this story often on this blog, but today I want to zero in on my husband’s response. Even as I type, I am so moved that he was willing to take my place. Of course, one can imagine what goes through a woman’s mind when she’s surrounded by a group of evil men. But, there’s a bigger picture here. We have a Saviour who offered himself up to be the “bargaining chip” for us all. Our sins were our own, yet Jesus was willing to come forward to say take me. All the fury, hatred, and vile disgust Satan had for the Son of God was unleashed upon Jesus that day as He hung on the cross for our sins.

It is mind-bloggling to me that this decision was made from the beginning of time. Since God is all-knowing, He could have elected to never have created man and avoid all the misery and sorrow that would follow. If you’ve ever doubted God’s love for you, let this one truth put your mind to rest. The best that Heaven had to offer was sacrificed in order to buy you back from an eternity apart from God. All we have to do is simply acknowledge and receive that finished work for ourselves…all because there was one who would step forward and say, take me.

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lord’s Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana ADAMS

702 Cattail Court

Jacksonville, NC  28540

Would You Like Prayer?

As I have been praying this morning, I felt that the Lord impressed upon my heart to ask if there are readers who need prayer. Rehoboth is always sharing its needs, but I believe the Lord would have us specifically pray for you this week. He cares very deeply for you. I want to share my heart with you today:

When my father passed away suddenly, I cried for weeks. My seven-year old mind could not understand why he went away. It left a hole in my heart for years. Even though it was through no fault of his own, I felt abandoned by someone that I loved so very deeply. But, the Lord has promised to never turn His back on us. What a beautiful promise! I have spoken this back to Him many times (as though he needs reminding), when I needed wisdom, strength, guidance, comfort, or reassurance.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Jesus said…

“Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

I love this verse because I have had burdens so heavy at times, that, while they were not physical, I could physically feel them weighing me down. We can roll our burdens on the Lord!

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

I have learned through many great trials, whether in the hands of kidnappers or standing by my husband’s bed asking the Lord to wake Him up, that He was indeed that very present help in trouble.

Most of you know that the Word is loaded down with many more promises. But, I hope these will be a great encouragement to you today.

My e-mail is Please write me so that I can pray for you today. The Lord deeply cares for you and I would consider it a great privilege. Let us pray!

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lord’s Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana ADAMS

702 Cattail Court

Jacksonville, NC  28540

Rehoboth Ministries is… Changing Lives and Impacting a Nation.

Give Online at:

Mail Checks to: 

The Lord’s Table / PO Box 11049 / Goldsboro, NC  27532 / (919) 751-8188  & please earmark your gift for Haiti.

Pritchard: 910 703 3098 / Haiti: 011 509 4160 4096

Dana: / 910 916 7229 / Haiti: 011 509  4037 5341

John: / 910 581 0390 / Haiti: 011 509 3253 0595

Mailing Address:

Pritchard & Dana ADAMS

702 Cattail Court

Jacksonville, NC  28540